Figuring out what to pack for college can be overwhelming, uh…ok…maybe more than that!! But, no fear, we hope this brief article helps get you started on the right track. Check out the five Quick Tips below to make packing for your dorm (and college life) a breeze!
1. We love (insert heart emoticon) this college checklist by Bed Bath and Beyond. It has almost EVERYTHING you need (short of a guaranteed cool roommate!) and lists things that you might not have even thought of! Check it out at:
2. If you can touch base with your roommate before you arrive, do that! You may be able to agree on some big ticket things (mini-fridge, television) that you can live with sharing so that only one person brings it. Now, if you KNOW you’re not the sharing type, skip this step IMMEDIATELY and proceed to Number #3.
3. Check out the digs, then dig in your pocket! Find out how soon you can check out your actual dorm room (or one similar to it). You may save yourself time and MOOLAH (hello, money) if you buy the basics first (hygiene stuff, bed stuff, alarm clock), check out the room (take pictures of your room on your phone, trust us!), THEN go buy what you need, since you now have a better idea of what will fit in the room and what’s allowed (might want to forego the mini-fridge if they’re prohibited). If you forget what kind of space you’re working with, or how much room is next to the bed…remember those pics I told you to take??? Yeah, I know….thank me later.
4. BUY STUFF EARLY and CHEAP! Try sites like eBay, Craigslist, garage sales, etc. to buy things that you’ll need for college life (hello?!? Use the list!). Good news is, if you buy it cheap and you don’t need it, you didn’t spend too much on it anyway and MAYBE you can sell it to the newbie down the hall that didn’t think of bringing their own shag carpet for the doorway (lol, ok, retro, we know).
5. CARE PACKAGES!!!! Okay, fancy word for “boxes that mommy/daddy/grandparents/peeps send to you with things you like/need while you’re away. TRUST ME, it’s the best thing to get (besides an “A”!) as a college student (makes you all warm and fuzzy!). Prep your peeps and let them know you’ll be needing a few things in about a month so get ready for the “If it fit, it ships” option at the US Postal Service (info at: BUT, (clearly a big BUT for a reason!), warn them not to pack a gigantor box that you can’t manage (up a hill, through a field) to your dorm room. Oh, we must’ve forgot to mention, there is NO delivery option on campus from the campus post office to your room…sorry ladies (and gents)…yeah, ask me how we found out later!
You’re good to go! Any other Questions, big or small? Register today and holla at a College Coach, it’s FREE (and they are pretty smart).